We are looking for innovative partners

We are seeking partners to support our ongoing international expansion.

CrowdScan is active in different markets: public transportation, smart cities, events and airports.

We are interested in collaborating with:

- Solution providers specializing in people counting. These partners can integrate our technology into their portfolio and offer it to end customers.

- Crowd safety experts who understand the value of our technology and are eager to implement it for their clients, especially in sectors such as events.

- Event agencies interested in easy-to-install people counting technology for their exhibitions, festivals etc. They can now buy or rent our plug-and-play flightcase solution.

- Companies making data visualization their core business, keen on incorporating CrowdScan's data into their dashboards for presentation to end customers.

- Telecom and network operators interested in including our solution in their portfolio.

- Infrastructure companies looking to improve their services to their clients by integrating our innovative technology.

In essence, we are seeking companies with an innovative mindset that are enthusiastic about showcasing our technology to their end customers.


Contact us

(+32)460 20 36 75
The Beacon (Office) Sint-pietersvliet 7 2000 Antwerpen Belgium
BE 0748810801